[Freeipa-users] new freeipa user

Natxo Asenjo natxo.asenjo at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 22:37:11 UTC 2009


After reading a lot of good things about this project I have decided
to give it a try. I have set up a virtual environment (all fedora
based, it works great with virtual manager). I have two fedora10
virtual machines, on the first one I followed the instructions on

# yum install ipa-*
# yum install bind

(no chroot for bind, but it works fine) ; so I have succesfully
installed freeipa 1.2.1 and I am iimpressed. Very good documentation,
it works as advertised.

On the other vm I run

# yum install ipa-client

and then run ipa-client-install and everything worked! Adding users
thru the web interface is a breeze. Great stuff.

I have so far only run into a problem and that is the auto creation of
home dirs on the firs login. I used the authenthication configuration
gui from fedora10 on the ipaclient and checked the option to
auto-create homedirs but that doesn't work. There is a selinux error:

Feb 25 23:28:47 ipaclient01 setroubleshoot: SELinux is preventing sshd
(sshd_t) "write" to ./home (home_root_t). For complete SELinux
messages. run sealert -l 2f194ec1-0764-48b0-b66c-d84734105283

apparently the pam_mkhomedir.so is not allowed to work with selinux.
Any workarounds?

If I login as root and su - to a kerberos user in the ipaclient vm,
then it creates the homedir, obviously. I want to use nfs homedirs
anyway, so it is not a huge issue. Speaking of which: for nfs homedirs
in ldap: do I have to wait for the next release of freeipa? Is it easy
to install from sources? I am no coder, but if I can help you testing
stuff I will be happy to do it.


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