[Freeipa-users] FreeIPA with OpenLDAP

Daniel Qarras dqarras at yahoo.com
Tue May 26 20:07:02 UTC 2009


> > Mostly just academic interest: is it possible to use
> > OpenLDAP instead of FedoraDS with FreeIPA?
> It wouldn't be easy to do. A number of plugins would need
> to be ported including the Distributed Numeric Assignment
> (DNA) plugin, ensure that memberof works the same way, the
> IPA password plugin. Perhaps more, and that is just to get
> one server running. Replication would need to be
> reconfigured as well.
> We have no plans to port to OpenLDAP.

Ok, thanks for the info! As said, basically just academic interest but on the other good to know that if one wants to start toying with an LDAP server, this might be hint towards Fedora DS..



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