[Freeipa-users] Difficulty installing freeipa

Stamper, Brian P. (ARC-D)[Logyx LLC] brian.p.stamper at nasa.gov
Fri Jun 3 21:38:43 UTC 2011

I've given up on freeipa v2 due to lack of compatibility with hosts I manage.  This is all on freeipa v1.  The server started as Fedora 13, and I upgraded to Fedora 14 in an attempt to fix the problems.

[root at freeipa ~]# uname -r
[root at freeipa ~]# rpm -qa 'ipa*'
[root at freeipa ~]#

I'm not doing anything special at this point.  I'm not even trying to get clients added.  I'm trying to do a basic install of ipa-server, with no extra arguments.  That claimed to succeed but wouldn't work, I tried to fix it, uninstalled, any attempts to reinstall failed.  So right now I'm simply trying to get the ipa service back to any kind of functioning status without re-installing the OS.


On 6/3/11 2:30 PM, "Dmitri Pal" <dpal at redhat.com> wrote:

Is it all on F13?
 The IPA v2 can't be built on F13 as there are many dependencies missing that we rely on. There are two many parts this is why we had to move to the later versions of F15. We just did not have any options. So the server you built might in fact be completely broken. I do not know how to fix it. It looks like you have some instances of the DS left over in a misconfigured state.

 You can try running ipa-server-install --uninstall 4-5 times. That might clear things a bit.

 But let us get back to the original problem.
 Freeipa can be used with the LDAP+Kerberos configuration on the clients. You do not need to have latest and greatest.
 There was a nice article referenced in some of the earlier threads on the list:

http://www.aput.net/~jheiss/krbldap/howto.html <http://www.aput.net/%7Ejheiss/krbldap/howto.html>

You can configure very old clients to use IPA as NIS server.
Let us know how else we can help.


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