[Freeipa-users] Configuring a Fedora 15 client to connect to a FreeIPA 1.2 server

Dan Scott danieljamesscott at gmail.com
Tue Jun 21 15:06:30 UTC 2011


I'm still running a FreeIPA 1.2 server but have started installing
Fedora 15 clients and am trying to figure out how to manually setup
the Krb/LDAP configuration.

I've run the 'authconfig-tui' command and manually setup Krb
authentication and LDAP authorisation, using DNS discovery for the
servers. The authentication is working correctly, but when I run 'id
$USERNAME' I don't receive the correct groups, so I believe that
Kerberos is working, but the LDAP configuration is wrong. I've turned
the sssd loglevel up to 100, but I can't figure out why I'm not
getting the correct groups

My system has a variety of files and I'm not sure which are still in use:


On Fedora 14 and earlier, there used to be an '/etc/nss_ldap.conf' -
this is not present on F15.

Can anyone help me figure out how to get the group lookups working?



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