[Freeipa-users] Scientific Linux 6.1 client issues

~Stack~ i.am.stack at gmail.com
Wed Nov 2 12:14:19 UTC 2011

On 10/27/2011 02:50 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Building 2.1.3 from source is going to require the same set of
> dependencies as building from the src.rpm. Note though that upstream
> development of freeipa is done in Fedora, not RHEL.

I gave compiling it from the src.rpm a try. I was OK compiling all the
dependencies that were directly related (and there were a good lot of
them), however, by the time I got into compiling other random libraries
for gtk3 I gave up and just modified the spec file to allow me to use
the libraries I had just compiled. I didn't expect it to work, so I was
a bit surprised when it compiled just fine. I was soon let down when I
ran into the *exact* same problem. :-/

I can force the clients to join but I can't log into them as a user.

I have reasons for needing to stay with Scientific Linux. Since this was
just a because-I-am-interested project I may have to wait till someone
far more familiar with the project at Red Hat pushes out updated
binaries (which I fully understand may be a while). I am certain to keep
an eye on this project because it seems to be a _much_ easier and better
way to manage users then the LDAP solution I currently have setup.

Thanks for the help Rob!


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