[Freeipa-users] Unable to login where previously OK

Steven Jones Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz
Thu Apr 12 04:09:20 UTC 2012


I have a user, myself that used to be able to login to a specific IPA client / host but I am no longer able to....

The /var/log/secure log  appears to be telling me my password is wrong, so I reset it in IPA, but on initial login I cant put in the temp password and then reset it....I still get denied. I am also having a similar problem for a new user....

So I went to another client/host and I can login and set a new password...so IPA looks to be OK....so its either a rule or the client/host is broken....

next I went into the allow_all HBAC policy and turned it back on but I am still denied.....

So where do I look for a specific failure msg to tell me the issue?  I assume its the host/client side....


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

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