[Freeipa-users] Confused/lost at promoting a replica into a master

David Copperfield cao2dan at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 30 23:52:30 UTC 2012

Hi Rich and all,

Thank you a lot for pointing out the place of the scripts. 

The scripts are found at the place specified and trued, they are working great in general, but there are still some places needs help:

1, there are no manual or help regarding the command options. Not sure where the normal usage could be looked up.

[root at ipamaster scripts-PEGACLOUDS-COM]# man db2ldif
No manual entry for db2ldif

[root at ipamaster scripts-PEGACLOUDS-COM]# ./db2ldif --help
Usage: db2ldif {-n backend_instance}* | {-s includesuffix}*
               [{-x excludesuffix}*] [-a outputfile]
               [-N] [-r] [-C] [-u] [-U] [-m] [-M] [-1]
Note: either "-n backend_instance" or "-s includesuffix" is required.
[root at ipamaster scripts-PEGACLOUDS-COM]# 

2, what is the 'official' way increase file descriptors for IPA & 389 Directory server??

[root at ipamaster scripts-PEGACLOUDS-COM]# ./db2ldif -s 'dc=pegaclouds,dc=com'
Exported ldif file: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-PEGACLOUDS-COM/ldif/PEGACLOUDS-COM-pegaclouds-2012_04_30_164542.ldif
[30/Apr/2012:16:45:42 -0700] - /etc/dirsrv/slapd-PEGACLOUDS-COM/dse.ldif: nsslapd-maxdescriptors: nsslapd-maxdescriptors: invalid value "8192", maximum file descriptors must range from 1 to 1024 (the current process limit).  Server will use a setting of 1024.
[30/Apr/2012:16:45:42 -0700] - Config Warning: - nsslapd-maxdescriptors: invalid value "8192", maximum file descriptors must range from 1 to 1024 (the current process limit).  Server will use a setting of 1024.

3, the ldif2db command will abort when IPA(Directory Server) is running. 

 I have to stop IPA first, then run ldif2db, and fireup IPA at the end. It may not be a bad thing to avoid potential data base corruption. But please confirm whether this is a feature or a bug.

[root at ipamaster scripts-PEGACLOUDS-COM]# ./ldif2db -s 'dc=pegaclouds,dc=com' -i /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-PEGACLOUDS-COM/ldif/PEGACLOUDS-COM-pegaclouds-2012_04_30_163506.ldif 
importing data ...
[30/Apr/2012:16:50:00 -0700] - Backend Instance: userRoot
[30/Apr/2012:16:50:00 -0700] - Unable to import the database because it is being used by another slapd process.
[30/Apr/2012:16:50:00 -0700] - Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes



 From: Rich Megginson <rmeggins at redhat.com>
To: David Copperfield <cao2dan at yahoo.com> 
Cc: E Deon Lackey <dlackey at redhat.com>; "freeipa-users at redhat.com" <freeipa-users at redhat.com> 
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [Freeipa-users] Confused/lost at promoting a replica into a master

On 04/30/2012 04:58 PM, David Copperfield wrote: 
>> Currently, there is no disaster recovery or backup information. There are a couple of RFEs open to develop this information. My understanding (and this is something that 
>> Dmitri or one of the engineers can explain better)
                is that the best thing to do is to back up the DS
                instances using db2ldif and then spin up a new
                server/replica instance and 
>> import the backed up data using ldif2db.
>Thanks for pointing out a way to do partial
>But the command db2ldif, or its sibling command ldif2db
                can not be located on IPA master/replica.
look in /var/lib/dirsrv/scripts-YOURDOMAIN-YOURTLD

The IPA servers only install 389-ds-base and 389-ds-base-libs RPMs. and the two commands doesn't show up anywhere. 
>Could anyone elaborate how to use the two template
                commands, or please point me to the document or http
                link(s) is enough. Thanks a lot.
>[root at ipamaster script-templates]# rpm -qa | grep 389
>[root at ipamaster script-templates]# rpm -ql 389-ds-base
                  389-ds-base-libs | grep -P 'db2ldif|ldif2db'
>[root at ipamaster script-templates]# 
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