[Freeipa-users] testing AD trust on Fedora 18

Andre Rodrigues andrerobauru at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 18:10:14 UTC 2012

Thank you all for the answers..
I noticed that I had installed freeipa with incorrect parameters, so I
reinstalled freeipa and I think now default.conf is correct.
answering some questions:

On 12/18/2012, John Dennis wrote:
>Please provide the contents of /etc/ipa/default.conf.
[root at mtest ~]# more /etc/ipa/default.conf

>Do you have a .ipa/default.conf file set? If so that overrides the values in /etc/ipa/default.conf. If you have that as well please provide that as well.

On 12/19/2012, Petr Spacek wrote:
>John, could it be related to LANG environment variable? Is the parser sensitive to LANG/other variables?
>Andre, could you post output from "echo $LANG", please? (Logged in as user which ran IPA commands.) -- Petr^2 Spacek
yes it could be...
[root at mtest ~]# echo $LANG

On 12/19/2012, Sumit Bose wrote:
> Andre, as a workaround until the packages are fixed please call
> yum install m2crypto
> service httpd restart
Thanks Sumit! The error with ad-trust package is not returned to me.
Now it seems that the problem is with the DNS settings of AD domain:

ipa: ERROR: Unable to resolve domain controller for 'adtest.unicamp.br' domain.
Additional instructions:
IPA manages DNS, please verify your DNS configuration and make sure
that service records of the 'adtest.unicamp.br' domain can be
resolved. Examples how to configure DNS with CLI commands or the Web
UI can be found in the documentation.

but I think I will solve it quickly.

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