[Freeipa-users] Roles and permissions

Steven Jones Steven.Jones at vuw.ac.nz
Tue Feb 7 00:59:43 UTC 2012


Trying to get my head around these....is it possible to create a group administrator say "engineering team administrator"  and have that role only able to add specific users (how to specify?) to specific user groups (say) ie I want to be able to delegate responsibility for limited groups and users to others and limit their functioanilty...?

I dont find that section of the manual very easy to understand....I'd like examples or more explanation....

Also if such a say (bad) "engineering team administrator" could add anyone say THE admin to a group that the (bad) admin had password changes in/on then this allows the bad admin to change that admin user password............the user then effectively owns the IPA system...?


Steven Jones

Technical Specialist - Linux RHCE

Victoria University, Wellington, NZ

0064 4 463 6272

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