[Freeipa-users] 2.20 dirsrv memory usage

Petr Vobornik pvoborni at redhat.com
Wed Jul 18 13:45:42 UTC 2012

On 07/17/2012 11:43 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:


>>> I'm beginning to think this is just the Web UI itself instead of 389
>>> although it is really difficult to tell. I've poured over the debug
>>> logs and didn't see anything that caused me concern.
>>> It's certainly usable, but I just got really spoiled by the
>>> unbelievable quickness of 2.1.3. When your release notes indicate it
>>> should be faster, what are you comparing it to? Maybe this only
>>> happens with upgraded instances and not fresh installs.
>> It is always possible something didn't get upgraded properly but I've done
>> 2.1.3 -> 2.2.0 upgrades and haven't seen this. When we say something is
>> faster we're always referring to the previous version (or versions).
> Maybe I was just lucky with 2.1.3. On a first load it might take some
> time to load the "frame" as I call it. But the data would load almost
> instantaneously from there (certainly no more than 1 s) as you moved
> from page to page. Here, even if I return to the same page, the system
> acts as if the data is begin fetched for the very first time as it is
> no faster than the first load. Maybe that is significant to the
> problem?

I think the culprit is Web UI paging capabilities introduced in 2.2. 
With lot of users, responses might grow in size. You can check their 
size and duration in browser developers tools. I suggest chrome/chromium 
- press F12 and choose 'network' tab.

This new feature can't be disabled in configuration. To test if the 
slowdown is done by paging you can (at own risk) replace line 

that.pagination = spec.pagination === undefined ? true : spec.pagination;


that.pagination = false;

Note: It will break some other parts of the UI - so for testing only.

> Steve

Petr Vobornik

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