[Freeipa-users] "Request is a replay"

Sigbjorn Lie sigbjorn at nixtra.com
Tue Jul 24 08:22:56 UTC 2012


I keep seing this error message in our production environment "Request is a replay" in variuos
services using kerberos like ssh, sssd, automounter, squid +++ after the upgrade to RHEL 6.3 / IPA

Jul 24 10:16:11 server027 sssd_be: GSSAPI Error: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide
more information (Request is a replay)

Seaching google seem to suggest that this is an error with time. However we have NTP configured
(IPA servers as NTP servers) which is synchronized to external NTP servers. There has been no
issue before, and I cannot find issue with the time being out of sync on the machines where this
is happening.


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