[Freeipa-users] FreeIPA start dependencies

Matthew Barr mbarr at snap-interactive.com
Mon Nov 5 17:51:31 UTC 2012

So, we're in a datacenter that lost power over sandy.  (It's not our only one, so the app was fine.)

I'm now trying to bring the DC back online, and IPA is having issues with it's inability to reach other replicas.

	* We're using IPA for DNS as well as the kerberos & LDAP services.

Does anyone have any documentation on which services are required for bringing up IPA?

named is having trouble coming up, since it can't reach it's peers.  

resolv.conf points to the local IP, then to the replicas.. but those aren't reachable yet.

We're getting:  
 Failed to init credentials (Cannot resolve network address for KDC in realm "XXXXYYYY.COM")

As an aside, we're not having issues starting dirsrv, KDC, or the other IPA services, just named.    Named's failure then causes everything else to shut down, though..

Matthew Barr
Technical Architect
E: mbarr at snap-interactive.com
AIM: matthewbarr1
c:  (646) 727-0535

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