[Freeipa-users] DNS / Allow PTR sync

Petr Spacek pspacek at redhat.com
Tue Nov 6 09:38:25 UTC 2012

Hello Mike,

are you talking about IPA WebUI or CLI or DNS dynamic update mechanism? On 
which distribution and IPA version?

On 11/05/2012 10:35 PM, Michael Mercier wrote:
> Hello,
> A couple of questions regarding DNS / Allow PTR sync.
> 1.  If you have a zone 'example.com' and you enable "Allow PTR sync", should you also enable the option in the reverse zone (e.g. 168.192.in-addr-arpa.)?
In webUI - just check the box "Create reverse" while adding a new A record. 
"Allow PTR sync" affects only DNS dynamic update.

> 2.  Do you have to wait a specified amount of time for the PTR record to be removed after you remove a host?
No, you don't. Change in webUI should be done immediately. For some time you 
can see old data on DNS clients because DNS caches all the data extensively.

> e.g.
> 1.  Add 'testhost', to 'example.com' (with Allow PTR sync enabled on the zone) with 'Create reverse' enabled.
> 2.  Remove 'testhost' from 'example.com'
> 3.  Check 168.192.in-addr.arpa. zone and host 'testhost' still exists.
Seems like a bug to me, please file a ticket:

You will be prompted for Fedora account, registration link is:

Also, please note limitations of syncPTR on DNS server - it affects DNS 
dynamic updates:

* If the change was made through IPA CLI/WebUI/LDAP directly - it does nothing 
in any case.

* If idnsAllowSyncPTR = true and any A or AAAA record was changed through DNS 
dynamic update mechanism - PTR is automatically updated.

* Change is synchronized only if reverse zone is part of LDAP and have dynamic 
updates allowed (idnsAllowDynUpdate = TRUE).

* Enabling idnsAllowSyncPTR will not affect existing records as long as they 
are not updated though DNS dynamic updates.

Petr^2 Spacek

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