[Freeipa-users] sssd cache

Natxo Asenjo natxo.asenjo at gmail.com
Fri Nov 16 13:52:18 UTC 2012


when running getent negroup <netgroupname> I get old entries.
Apparently sssd is being helpful :-) and caching info, but it should
not do it when I am connected to the domain (IMHO).

According to https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/sssd-cache.html
I can clean records with sss_cache, but this command is not available.

Running yum whatprovides "*/sss_cache" finds nothing either.

I ended up wiping the cache and restarting the sssd daemon to have it
working, but there should be another way I have missed. Do you have
any ideas?


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