[Freeipa-users] Howto use IPA for internal websites

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Feb 6 22:32:20 UTC 2013

Fred van Zwieten wrote:
> Hi,
> We have installed IPA in our internal network (let's call it example.com
> <http://example.com>).
> We have all kinds of internal websites running for various
> administrative tasks. These websites are in all kind of subdomains of
> example.com <http://example.com>. We would like to have them using a
> certificate signed by our CA.
> Some internal websites run on IPA-clients, some not.
> So, what is the exact workflow to make this happen?

A host doesn't need to be enrolled to get a certificate. You can just 
use host-add (or the UI) to create the host and potentiall whatever 
services you want certificates for (HTTP, ldap, whatever).

Then generate a CSR on the host you want the cert for using your 
favorite crypto tools and pass that to ipa cert-request. The output of 
that is a signed public cert.

You'll need the CA cert chain as well. It can be retrieved via the web 
from http://ipa.example.com/ipa/config/ca.crt. In 3.1 you can also get 
it over LDAP in cn=CAcert,cn=ipa,cn=etc,$SUFFIX in the cACertificate 

> Also, our internal users must trust the IPA server as a Certificate
> Signing Authority. Users use both linux and windows clients and use
> various browsers on them. What is the procedure to have them trusting
> the IPA server as the CSA?

You can visit the URI for the CA cert directly and you should be 
prompted to import and trust it in most browsers.


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