[Freeipa-users] question about generating certificates

Arthur Faizullin arthur at deus.pro
Wed Nov 6 08:16:18 UTC 2013

Hi, everyone!
I feel myself very uncomfortable asking this question, since usually I
found documentation easy to understand&read. (Thanks for that!)
But there is the point, that I could not understand.
That point is generating certificates using IPA CA.
I have read about this:
but I did not get the point! :(
So, I have build test environment as shown in attached document, if you
need details, you may look at it.
for short I have 2 servers:
1. IPA-server:        ipaserver.example.com
2. PostgreSQL-server: postgresql.example.com
PostgreSQL was chosen as an example (nor bad, nor good)
and I try to generate key&certificate:

$ sudo ipa-getcert request -f /home/tuser/server.crt
-k /home/tuser/server.key -K postgresql/postgresql.example.com -N
CN=postgresql.example.com -D postgresql.example.com

I get this answer:

New signing request "20131106075356" added.

But what to do with this answer? I can get list of requests, but that
does not make it more clear:

$ ipa-getcert list
Error connecting to DBus.
Please verify that the message bus (D-Bus) service is running.
[tuser at postgresql ~]$ sudo ipa-getcert list
Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 2.
Request ID '20131101115647':
	stuck: no
	key pair storage: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/nssdb',nickname='IPA
Machine Certificate - postgresql.example.com',token='NSS Certificate DB'
	certificate: type=NSSDB,location='/etc/pki/nssdb',nickname='IPA Machine
Certificate - postgresql.example.com',token='NSS Certificate DB'
	issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM
	subject: CN=postgresql.example.com,O=EXAMPLE.COM
	expires: 2015-11-02 11:56:48 UTC
	eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
	pre-save command: 
	post-save command: 
	track: yes
	auto-renew: yes
Request ID '20131106075356':
	status: NEED_KEY_PAIR
	stuck: no
	key pair storage: type=FILE,location='/home/tuser/server.key'
	certificate: type=FILE,location='/home/tuser/server.crt'
	expires: unknown
	pre-save command: 
	post-save command: 
	track: yes
	auto-renew: yes

Best regards, Arthur Fayzullin
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