[Freeipa-users] slapi-nis user password error

Nalin Dahyabhai nalin at redhat.com
Thu Sep 5 15:11:32 UTC 2013

On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 09:17:36AM -0500, cbulist at gmail.com wrote:
> The users were imported from a openldap server and the password
> encryption is MD5.

Is that {CRYPT} using an md5-based crypt, or {MD5} or {SMD5}?  A client
that's trying to check passwords using hashes which it reads via NIS is
usually only compatible with hashes that are identified with {CRYPT}.

> I installed slapi-nis in the server and configure a NIS client(Red Hat
> 5.9) with FreeIPA server (Red Hat 6.3, FreeIPA: 3.0.0-26).
> I'm able to get info of the users from NIS client (getent passwd
> user_id) but when the user try to log in to the NIS client the
> authentication fails.

Which authentication mechanism did you configure in combination with NIS
for user information?

> Slapi-nis was installed and configured using the default options.
> Any clue about this problem or How can I debug this?

If you're using pam_unix (which you probably are, if you're using
neither LDAP nor Kerberos for authenticating users), then you need to
have {CRYPT} hashes in your user entries.  If you don't have those,
you'll need to remedy that first, by configuring the server to use the
CRYPT password storage scheme (IIRC the default is SSHA), and then
forcing some password changes.  After that, the default configuration
for the version of slapi-nis you have should cause them to start showing
up when you use getent (or ypmatch) to read the user's entry from the
passwd map.

Then you can double-check that a password is correct by taking a hashed
value and a candidate password and running them through something like

  python -c 'import crypt; print crypt.crypt("password","hash")'

to check if hashing the password using the salt that's part of the
hashed value reproduces the hashed value, which is more or less what
pam_unix does to check the password.

That all said, I'd recommend using SSSD's support for reading identity
information via LDAP, or better still its IPA provider, which can
interact with the IPA server when it's in migration mode, and start
moving you toward being able to switch over to using Kerberos.



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