[Freeipa-users] DDNS with DHCPD and IPA

William Brown william at firstyear.id.au
Thu Apr 3 22:29:12 UTC 2014

On Thu, 2014-04-03 at 11:02 -0700, Andy Tomlin wrote:
> That would be my preference, would then work same as bind/dhcpd before
> switching to ipa. I just dont know how to do it correctly.

This assumes dhcp and named are on the same system. 

For an unrelated project I wrote some docs here:


And the example config files referenced are:


The important parts are:

rndc-confgen -a -r keyboard -b 256
chown named:named /etc/rndc.key

In named.conf add after the options section:

include "/etc/rndc.key";

In the zone (In ipa you will need to add this permission)

grant rndc-key wildcard * ANY;

Then in dhcpd:

include                 "/etc/rndc.key";

And to the dhcpd range:

	zone dhcp.example.lan. {
		key     "rndc-key";

	zone 0.4.10.in-addr.arpa. {
		key "rndc-key";

This should coexist peacefully with freeipa, but try to make sure your
DDNS updated zone is say dhcp.example.com rather than a zone you care
about. Consider you have a domain controller called x.example.com, and
you allow DDNS to example.com. If someone set their hostname to x, they
could take over the DNS records for your DC. Better to have a second
zone to prevent this. 

William Brown <william at firstyear.id.au>

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