[Freeipa-users] local root can su to any IPA user

Jakub Hrozek jhrozek at redhat.com
Thu Feb 27 22:49:31 UTC 2014

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 09:03:35PM +0000, Nordgren, Bryce L -FS wrote:
> > On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 04:24:54PM -0500, Steve Dainard wrote:
> > > Would it not be possible for root to disable selinux enforcement?
> It should also be possible to copy private keys out of ~user/.ssh and login to other machines as "user", assuming no password on the ssh key pair.
> It's probably best to assume that all your client machines are under the control of knowledgeable, malicious admins, and to put your important information somewhere other than your client machines. The only real way to "take back the night" is to force your users to connect to a service you control using an authentication mechanism you control. (e.g., Kerberos service tickets: accept no substitute. :) ) Prohibiting them from making any changes makes you responsible for every last customization. Delegating frees you up, but requires trust. Probably a good rule of thumb is to be generous doling out permissions when only one person will ever use the machine. Giving someone control over someone else's workspace should require consent of the controlled.
> One thing that is nagging at me: I read that sssd caches your
> credentials in a form such that they can be retrieved and provided to your
> "organizational system". [1] This seems like a vector for a knowledgeable,
> malicious admin to break out of the client machine and impersonate someone
> else to any domain service. Is there a safeguard against this?

Caching credentials is disabled by default[1]. Even when credential caching
is enabled, the cache is only ever readable by root, the hashes are
*never* exposed to the system. FYI, the hash is a salted sha512.

What leads you to believe the cached credentials can be retrieved?
[1] in sssd upstream. ipa-client-install enables caching credentials.

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