[Freeipa-users] using AD token to get freeipa token

Stijn De Weirdt stijn.deweirdt at ugent.be
Wed Jul 9 16:38:00 UTC 2014

hi all,

we are investigating the possibility to use an existing and valid AD 
token to obtain a token from a realm under FreeIPA (3.3.3 from el7), 
without having to setup the full IPA AD cross realm trust. (in 
particular, to avoid that AD has to trust the IPA setup; and with the 
goal that we can minimise any required actions on the AD setup).

what we would like to achieve is the following:
kinit user at AD
--- authenticate via AD password

kinit otherusername at IPA
-- no password required, authentication based on valid AD token

so one can then eg "ssh otherusername at machine.under.ipa.control"

the user at AD to otherusername at IPA mapping is provided somewhere on the 
IPA server and is static.

as far as i understood, this is (very?) different from actual trust 
relation where having the user at AD token is sufficient to do "ssh 
otherusername at machine.under.ipa.control".

any hints are welcome!


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