[Freeipa-users] DNS and $GENERATE Directive

Andrew Powell andy at atcri.com
Fri Nov 7 23:16:49 UTC 2014

Is there a way to add a Bind $GENERATE directive line to FreeIPA to 
automatically name DHCP-assigned ranges?

In a file-based Bind installation, I can have the following line in the 
forward example.com zone file:

$generate 80-250/1 wd${0,3,d}.example.com. A 192.168.0.$

(which adds records wd080.example.com thru wd250.example.com)

And for the reverse zone (0.168.192.in-addr.arpa) I can have the 
following line:

$generate 80-250/1 $ PTR wd${0,3,d}.example.com.

I can do without naming the DHCP-assigned ranges, but it seems like the 
proper thing to do.

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