[Freeipa-users] certmonger question

Nalin Dahyabhai nalin at redhat.com
Tue Nov 11 18:14:03 UTC 2014

On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 11:13:12AM -0500, Nalin Dahyabhai wrote:
> Since you mention that this seems to be specific to 32-bit boxes, I
> think I need to switch to that one to try to sort out what's happening
> here, since I'm on a 64-bit box.

Okay, found it, and as 64-bit cleanliness sometimes is, it's a one-line
change.  The nightlies should have it starting with anything claiming to
be 0.76.7 or later.  If you can open this in bugzilla, it'll probably
look less weird to parts of management than if I did it.



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