[Freeipa-users] Filters in bind-dyndb-ldap

Sebastian Leitz sebastian.leitz at etes.de
Thu Sep 4 12:20:17 UTC 2014


I am trying to use bind-dyndb-ldap to connect my BIND to an LDAP server for zones. I have a tiny question regarding this and both the project website and the kind people on #freeipa IRC directed me to this list. I hope someone is here who can answer my question. Sorry for intruding if I'm not asking in the correct place.

For technical reasons we need to be able to filter zones in LDAP according to some flags, e.g. 'enabled'.
Other services usually provide a config option to include LDAP search filters in every query, like

ldap_search_filter = (enabled=1)

Unfortunately, I can't find anything like this in the README file of bind-dyndb-ldap. Does anybody know of a way to pass a search filter to LDAP?

Thanks in advance,


Sebastian Leitz               Mail: sebastian.leitz at etes.de
ETES GmbH                     Fon : +49 (7 11) 48 90 83 - 14
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