[Freeipa-users] Two way A/D trust versus one way trust

Dmitri Pal dpal at redhat.com
Thu Sep 18 04:19:17 UTC 2014

On 09/17/2014 12:38 AM, Greg Scott wrote:
> Thanks everyone for the advice.  Here's a sanitized version of what I put together for my end user customer.  Feel free to use any of this text as you see fit.
> ****************
> Here's the scoop with IdM and AD trusts.  It's an "official" 2-way trust with the currently shipping IdM version - I think it's 3.3.5 right now.  It's an official 2-way trust, but de-facto it's only one way because IdM doesn't have all the pieces it needs yet to allow AD to trust IdM.   So IdM can trust AD but right now AD cannot trust IdM.  Red Hat Support told us that in the support case and I confirmed it with the upstream community.  So even though it says it's a 2-way trust, it's really only one way.
> Somewhere in the future, around version 4.3 or so, so it's a long way away, the plan is for IdM to have the pieces it needs for AD to trust IdM.  When that time comes, there are a number of options for ***?.  One is to stick with today's current version. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Another is to continue upgrading to the current versions as they become available and redo the trust to be an official one way trust when the time comes.   Another option - just leave it as a 2-way trust.
> The decision doesn't come up for a long time - if I had to guess, I'd put it sometime after 2015.  That's just my guess because the people doing the development don't know themselves and they're the ones building this stuff.  It's a long time out.  And even then, it's not a huge decision.  Let's say ***? decides to leave it as a 2-way trust.  What are the consequences?  Are there now suddenly 2 sources of truth?  Is there a security hole?  Is AD suddenly vulnerable?
> My answer would be no, no, and no.
> On sources of truth - There will always be a few unique users in the Linux IdM domain.  User root, for example, and probably a few others.  This is true whether there is no trust, a one-way trust, or a 2-way trust.  IdM is like a Windows forest with one domain.  And AD is a forest with at least one domain.  By definition, both forests have their own individual entities.
> On security holes - with a 2-way trust, the AD Administrator now has the ability to regulate access to AD resources from IdM users and groups.  If the AD Admin takes no action, then nobody on the IdM side can access anything on the AD side.   Just because the AD administrator has this ability does not imply the he will use it.  If he doesn't use it - the default action - nothing happens.
> Is AD suddenly vulnerable?  No.  Even with a 2-way trust, the AD Admin has to take specific actions in cooperation with others to allow anyone from IdM to access anything inside AD.
> My opinion isn't worth the disk space to store this text and free opinions are worth what you pay for them.   So test it yourself.  ***? has the tools right now.  Build a Windows forest - independent of your Dev forest - and do some experiments with 2-way cross forest trusts.   Set up and destroy a few trust relationships with your existing Dev domain/forest and my proposed test forest and grant permissions to a few groups from one side into the other side.  You can do it with one Windows VM.  Now substitute IdM for that test Windows forest when the time comes and the issues are exactly the same.
> One more point on vulnerability.  I know the choice to copy AD users into IdM is well-known, safe, and comfortable at ***?.  That's the way they did it last time.  But this choice requires non Microsoft software on the ***? AD domain controllers.  So thinking it through - which represents the most risk?  Setting up a cross forest trust where the AD administrator retains total control over everything, or putting foreign software on the Windows domain controllers to copy user passwords to an untrusted entity?
> -	Greg
This deserves a wiki page, blog and a keynote at a couple conferences.

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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