[Freeipa-users] Kerberized NFS and automount

Dan Mossor danofsatx at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 04:57:16 UTC 2014

I have been fighting with getting my NFS servers kerberized since I 
first installed FreeIPA back in April - I still cannot create a secured 
NFS mount, and have exhausted all my resources in troublshooting, so I 
am reaching out to the list since I see many of you have it working.

The next step in the puzzle will be to make this work with automount - 
which again, I can't get this working either. I am missing one key step 
here, but I can't find it. The documentation for both issues is 
confusing, especially to someone new to FreeIPA.

So first, let's tackle the Kerberized NFS mounts. On the server doing 
the exporting, here are the pertinent files.
RPCMOUNTDOPTS="--debug all"
RPCGSSDARGS="--debug all"

My last attempt at an /etc/exports file before I gave up:
/home/repo gss/krb5p(rw,no_root_squash,subtree_check,fsid=0)

What other information do y'all need to help me get this working?
Dan Mossor
Systems Engineer at Large
Fedora QA Team | Fedora KDE SIG | Fedora Server SIG
Fedora Infrastructure Apprentice
FAS: dmossor IRC: danofsatx
San Antonio, Texas, USA

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