[Freeipa-users] freeIPA and AD in multi-homed environment

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Tue Apr 28 11:16:30 UTC 2015

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Арсений Черняков wrote:
>Thank you for quick response. So, did I got it right, that this limitation
>is affecting only RedHat support agreement, and not the technical side of
>configuration? We're considering the CentOS 7 deployment, and we don't have
>Red Hat support agreement.
Technically 389-ds can address up to 65535 replicas but this says
nothing about actual performance which is always a function of your
workload, environment, and a number of other factors.

If you hit any issues, without support contract they would be handled by
a community -- where we all are -- and may involve longer time. I hope it
is clear as people involved are giving out their volunteering effort.

>Maybe it's a stupid question, but since we don't have support agreement,
>can I still ask questions in RedHat mailing list? (I haven't found any
>forums/KBs/mailing lists dedicated solely to freeIPA and CentOS).
This mailing list is part of FreeIPA community, we see here a lot of
questions from different parties using different distributions. It is
hosted by Red Hat but not really tied to Red Hat.

Still, if you have concerns on getting your whole infrastructure
depending on free software solutions, there are solution providers that
would be happy to help you in deploying and supporting them. Just don't
expect their contract obligations necessarily extend to the community
mailing list.  :)

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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