[Freeipa-users] stubborn old replicas

Janelle janellenicole80 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 26 13:36:25 UTC 2015

Hello all,

My biggest problem is losing replicas and then trying to delete the 
entries and rebuild them. Here is a perfect example, I simply can't get 
rid of these  (see below). I have tried (of course after the ORIGINAL  
"ipa-replica-manage del hostname --force --clean":

ipa-replica-manage clean-ruv 25

ldapmodify... with:
   dn: cn=clean 25, cn=cleanallruv, cn=tasks, cn=config
   objectclass: extensibleObject
   replica-base-dn: dc=example,dc=com
   replica-id: 25
   cn: clean 25

And yet nothing works. Any suggestions? This is perhaps the most 
frustrating part about maintaining IPA.


unable to decode: {replica 12} 5588dc2e0000000c0000 559f3de60004000c0000
unable to decode: {replica 14} 5587aa8d0000000e0000 5587aa8d0003000e0000
unable to decode: {replica 16} 5588f58f000000100000 55bb7b08000500100000
unable to decode: {replica 25} 55a4887b000000190000 55a49242000400190000
unable to decode: {replica 29} 55d199a50001001d0000 55d199a50001001d0000
unable to decode: {replica 3} 5587c5c3000000030000 55b8a049000100030000
unable to decode: {replica 5} 55cc82ab041d00050000 55cc82ab041d00050000

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