[Freeipa-users] Remove password exiration after useradd

Matt . yamakasi.014 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 10:54:05 UTC 2015

In the past we have done some testsetups with password expiring after
we added a user, at the moment I have difficulties with this on 4.1.2

What I need is the following:

- We add a user using json/kinit
- The user is added in the right way
- tThe user should be able to use his set password by the admin (at least ldap)

At the moment the password is expired directly and I tried adding the
user with min/max lifetime to 0/0 which didn't work out. Als 0/500
doesn't seem to fix my issue.

I thought we had to do a little but more to accomplish this, but I'm
not able to find this (anymore)

Does someone have a clue how to fix this ? I'm quite sure this is possible.



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