[Freeipa-users] Web UI plugins or other extensions

Hugh hugh at psychopig.com
Wed Feb 25 18:22:56 UTC 2015

On 2/25/2015 11:02 AM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> But let us step back and ask the question why do you need to create the
> users you sync manually first?
> The users in a specific OU will be synced anyways without you manually
> creating them in IPA.
> So this is unclear why the whole thing is actually needed.

What we'd like to do is have admins create users in IPA via the web
interface (or CLI, if they're so inclined) and add them to an IPA group
then have those users synched over to our AD environment, so those users
can log into their Windows workstations. We'd like to avoid duplicate or
unnecessary effort in terms of creating users. More steps to a process =
more likelihood of mistakes.

We'd like to create the users in IPA so that we're consistent in
everyone using the IPA web interface to manage their user accounts.



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