[Freeipa-users] Help Needed Sanitizing ldif and/or bak data from CA-less Replica to import into fresh CA Master

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Tue Jun 2 12:43:59 UTC 2015

Martin Kosek wrote:
> On 06/01/2015 02:19 AM, Sina Owolabi wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I am still stumbling along with this, I have had my IPA domain
>> destroyed and currently only a CA-less replica is left running the
>> network.
>> The existing CA-less replica is on RHEL6.6 with ipa-3.0.0.
>> I am trying to setup a fresh CA-master and I have exported the data in
>> the replica into ldif and bak folders in
>> /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-MYDOM-COM/{ldif,bak} directories.
>> I have copied these files and folders to the fresh install, which is
>> running RHEL7.1.
>> If I can complete an install, I plan to destroy the existing replica
>> and install from scratch 2 new ones just to be safe.
>> Please can someone direct me in properly editing the ldif file or the
>> bak archivedir to make it useful for the new CA master? I have already
>> deleted the existing replication agreements between the CA-less
>> replica and the lost CA master (the new fresh install is the same
>> hostname).
>> Importing data is successful, but then IPA refuses to run afterwords
>> with different error messages.
>> Thanks for any light shown my way.
> Let me reiterate to see if I understood your scenario correctly:
> - you had CA-powered FreeIPA infrastructure, with just one FreeIPA
> server with CA service running
> - the single FreeIPA+CA server was lost (I would suggest having more of
> those in the future or using backup (snapshot or ipa-backup))
> - you now want to install a brand new FreeIPA server and add data from
> the old FreeIPA installation.
> This is quite tricky, you can just add data from old FreeIPA server to
> the new server - the new FreeIPA server will have different Kerberos
> master key, different CA key. All this and derived data would be
> invalid. If you backed up the FreeIPA+CA master, I assume the PKI could
> be recreated, but it does not seem as the case.
> In that case, I am afraid you would need to start a new infrastructure
> and migrate old data, I put short description on how to migrate one
> FreeIPA to other FreeIPA on the wiki:
> https://www.freeipa.org/page/Howto/Migration#Migrating_from_other_FreeIPA_to_FreeIPA

I guess it depends on what data you want/need to preserve from the 
original IPA installation and calculate which is more time consuming: 
crafting an LDIF to import or re-adding the data manually.

If you want to import from an LDIF, in general you need to:
- exclude any IPA master information (hosts, services, cn=masters,etc).
- exclude the admin user
- exclude any krbPrincipalKey values
- exclude any userCertificate values

You'll need to enable migration mode so your users can generate their 
Kerberos principal keys.

Also consider the UID range. If you installed the new master using the 
same range you'll probably want to modify the DNA range to mask out the 
already-assigned values.

If you used the same fqdn and REALM the import is easier.

You'll also need to re-enroll every client machine and browsers will 
need to re-import the CA cert. Expect conflicts.

I probably forgot some things too. It is not a super simple process 
though, and requires some understanding of IPA and its data.

So like I said, possible, but it can be problematic and expect several 
iterations of:

- import ldif
- test
- uninstall / reinstall
- goto import


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