[Freeipa-users] Question for AD trust and Webservices

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Wed Jun 17 12:31:13 UTC 2015

On Wed, 17 Jun 2015, Henry Hofmann wrote:
>> For redmine use http://www.redmine.org/plugins/redmine_pam_auth. You
>> don't need to include the user which runs redmine into shadow group
>> with FreeIPA because user accounts are never in > /etc/shadow for
>> FreeIPA so you don't need that access.
>What you mean with " You don't need to include the user which runs
>Redmine into shadow group with FreeIPA because user accounts are never
>in > /etc/shadow for FreeIPA so you don't need that access ".  Normally
The redmine_pam_auth solution runs authentication process with the help
of PAM modules. PAM modules need to access the data they would be using
to check the passwords. In a classical setup with redmine_pam_auth, that
would be having access to /etc/shadow file which is limited on most
systems. On Fedora, for example, only root can access it so PAM module
that checks the passwords via /etc/shadow would need to be run with root
privileges. In other distributions situation may be different and
'shadow' group membership may be used to limit access to /etc/shadow.

When using pam_sss, one doesn't need to access /etc/shadow at all, thus
my suggestion.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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