[Freeipa-users] Getting virtual aliases and domains via freeipa with Postfix

Christian christian.bonato at free.fr
Sun Mar 1 12:53:24 UTC 2015

Stephen Ingram <sbingram at ...> writes:

> 2. Configuration - With Postfix, you can set all different areas (e.g.
> virtual, aliases, etc.) to use LDAP lookup of configuration
> information. You are typically searching for the email address (mail
> attribute in IPA) and your search will generally return the userid
> (uid attribute) of where the mail is to be stored. .../...
> Steve
Playing with IPA too in order to better understand what it provides and how
to use it, I realized that like almost any other solution that is bringing
its own LDAP back-end, IPA make it "à la Microsoft", which means that IPA
LDAP server is used for IPA purpose only (for what I understand so far).
If you want to rely on LDAP for mail delivery, e.g. havioùœ‘¥™™•É•¹ÐÕÍ•ÉÌ)ÕÍ¥¹œ‘¥™™•É•¹Ðµ…¥°Í•ÉÙ•É́½È‘¥™™•É•¹Ðµ…¥°‘½µ…¥¹Ì°Ñ¡•¸å½Ô•¹ÕÀÝ¥Ñ )å•Ð…¹½Ñ¡•È°‘¥™™•É•¹Ð1@Í•Éٕȁ½ÈÑÉäÑ¼Ýɥєå½Õȁ½Ý¸(‰Í幍¡É½¹¥é…Ñ¥½¸ˆÑ½½°Ñ¼Í幍¡É½¹¥é”…́µÕ …́Á½ÍÍ¥‰±”•¹ÑÉ¥•Ì™É½´%A)1@Ý¥Ñ 1@Í•ÉٕȁÕÍ•‰äå½ÕȁA½ÍÑ™¥à½½Ù•½Ð±…å•É̸()$‘¼­¹½ÜÑ¡…Ё‰½Ñ ½Õ±‰”½¹™¥ÕÉ•Ñ¼É•±ä½¸%A1@‰ÕЁ¥Ð½¹±ä)Áɽ٥‘•ÌÙ•É䁉…Í¥Œ€¡µ•…¹¥¹œµ¥¹¥µÕ´¤µ…¥°É•±…Ñ•…ÑÑÉ¥‰Õѕ̸9¼µ…¥±‘ɽÀ°)µ…¥±¡½Íаµ…¥±…±Ñ•É¹…Ñ…‘‘É•ÍÌ°Åսф¸¸¸Ý•±°°•Ù•ÉäÉ•ÅեɕÝ¡•¸¥Ð½µ•Ì)Ѽ‘•Á±½äÉ•…°µ…¥°Í•ÉÙ¥”¥¸Áɽ‘Սѥ½¸¸()=¹”½ÁÑ¥½¸½Õ±‰”Ñ¼ÕÍѽµ¥é”%A1@Í¡•µ„‰ÕЁѡ•¸¥ÐÝ¥±°…±Í¼)É•Åեɕ́Ѽ‘•Ù•±½ÀÝ•ˆ¥¹Ñ•É™…”…½É‘¥¹±ä¥Í¸Ð¥Ðü((

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