[Freeipa-users] Windows AD --> LDAP (oneWay)

Gonzalo Fernandez Ordas g.fer.ordas at unicyber.co.uk
Thu Mar 12 21:07:19 UTC 2015


I have successfully setup an AD---> freeipa Model and joining bits and 
pieces from 389-ds I have setup a oneWaySinc fromWindows.
The issue I got for the last week is the pasword sync which does not 
seem to work at all, it does not matter what I do in the AD server I 
never get the passwords being transferred over.
I went through many manual pages, different versions and I do not have 
clear if I need to run any ldapmodification at all!
This will be a onewaySync and I do not want the passwords being 
replicated BACK to AD, also I read about the "reset" setting and I am 
not sure if every single password needs to be reset at all?

has anybody got any sort of definitive guide or maybe a clear path to 

Many thanks for all your help


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