[Freeipa-users] AD integration: Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Wed Mar 18 16:25:40 UTC 2015

On Wed, 18 Mar 2015, Guertin, David S. wrote:
>> Wait, why do you have middlebury.edu section here at all? If middlebury is
>> trusted by csns.middlebury.edu, you should not have a separate
>> [domain/middlebury.edu] section at all!
>That was in there because in my increasingly desperate attempts to get
>this working, I actually read the documentation, and Section 2.4 of the
>RHEL 7 Windows Integration Guide says to create a new domain section
>for the Active Directory domain. Not knowing any better, I played
>I have removed that section, and now things are broken again. However,
>the "Could not convert objectSID to a UNIX ID" problem is solved --
>it's now breaking elsewhere, but I don't know where yet. I've set
>debug_level = 10  everywhere, and don't see anything but success
>messages in the logs, until the user is disconnected. I should probably
>start another thread for that.
Yes, separating the issues would be better because we have more and more
people trying to follow threads in email archive in search of solutions
to their problems.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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