[Freeipa-users] FreeIPA interoperability with an existing kerberos realm?

Coy Hile coy.hile at coyhile.com
Sun Mar 22 15:56:51 UTC 2015

Hi all,

I’ve got an existing (Heimdal) kerberos realm that I am potentially interested in replacing with FreeIPA.  I know that recent MIT krb5 can read a Heimdal dump. Is there a supported (or even unsupported but it works is fine) way to pre-seed the kerb realm before running the IPA setup in the quick start?  I’ve got a handful of services (most notably OpenAFS and a trust to an existing Windows Domain) that I should prefer not to have to rekey if I can avoid it.  If I can simply load the existing dump, then let FreeIPA create what it needs, that should make my life easier.


Coy Hile
coy.hile at coyhile.com

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