[Freeipa-users] Freeipa Replicate hung

Bill Graboyes wgraboyes at cenic.org
Sun May 24 22:45:17 UTC 2015

Hi List,

I have been digging around on this system that hung for the past hour or 
two trying to figure out why dirserv seemed to be hung.  It was not 
using resources, nor was there any information in any of the log files 
(dirserv, sssd, etc), it was just stopped.  I was unable to run ipactl 
and get any response.  The server would not even reboot cleanly (I had 
to power it off).  Of note that there didn't seem to be any problems 
with systems accessing via sssd, but systems that were accessing via 
direct ldap connections, the connection would just hang.

OS and Version information:
CentOS Linux release 7.1.1503 (Core)

Bill Graboyes
CENIC Systems

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