[Freeipa-users] question about password migration from ldap

David Lin linhai88 at stanford.edu
Thu May 28 09:47:07 UTC 2015

I am try to migrate from openldap to freeipa.  Everything seems to be 
working except the password. I understand that when migrating from 
openldap, the hashed form the the passwords are migrated, but a Kerberos 
hash is not generated until the user logs in using sssd or through the 
ipa/migration web ui.  However, the users are not able to login in 
either form using their existing password, from the directory server 
log, the only weird thing I see is

[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=120 
nentries=0 etime=0
[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 TLS1.0 128-bit AES
[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 op=1 BIND 
method=128 version=3
[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 op=1 RESULT err=48 tag=97 
nentries=0 etime=0
[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 op=2 UNBIND
[28/May/2015:02:40:04 -0700] conn=112 op=2 fd=90 closed - U1

What does err=48 mean?

I do have
ipa config-mod --enable-migration=TRUE


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