[Freeipa-users] Client enrolment user

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Thu Nov 5 15:18:42 UTC 2015

Andrew Holway wrote:
> Some time ago I saw an article on how to set up a user that can only
> enrol clients into freeipa. 
> Does anyone have information on how to do this because we're currently
> using the admin user and this is a bit scary.

Create a role for enrolling hosts and add the privilege 'Host
Enrollment' to it.

Note that 'Host Enrollment' is VERY specific. It only enrolls host. It
will not create host entries. If you want to be able to do that as well
then you'll need the 'Add Hosts' permission. I guess I'd create a new
privilege and add that permission, then add that privilege to the role
you create.

Some folks add the existing 'Host Administrators' privilege instead but
IMHO that is a bit broad.


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