[Freeipa-users] ipa-getkeytab missing permissions after migration

Dominik Korittki d.korittki at mittwald.de
Tue Nov 10 13:59:45 UTC 2015

Hello folks,

I created a replica IPA host with version 4.1.0-18.el7.centos.4,
while the initial master is a FreeIPA 3.3.3.

Everything seems to work fine with the new host except for one thing:
We have a special IPA user, which has the rights for managing and enrolling hosts.
I am able to add hosts with this user, but ipa-getkeytab command returns the following message:

root at ipa01:~ > ipa-getkeytab -q -s ipa01.internal -p "host/testhost.internal" -k testhost.internal.keytab
Failed to parse result: Insufficient access rights

The keytab was successfully created, though. dirsrv error logs showed me this after raising log level:

[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] NSACLPlugin - #### conn=590 op=3 binddn="uid=mw-integrator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=internal"
[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] NSACLPlugin - conn=590 op=3 (main): Deny write on entry(fqdn=testhost.internal,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=internal).attr(ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys) to uid=mw-integrator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=internal: no aci matched the subject by aci(53): aciname= "Entities are allowed to rekey managed entries", acidn="cn=accounts,dc=internal"
[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] is_allowed_to_access_attr - [file ipa_pwd_extop.c, line 756]: slapi_access_allowed does not allow WRITE to ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys!
[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] ipapwd_getkeytab - [file ipa_pwd_extop.c, line 1630]: Not allowed to set keytab on [host/testhost.internal at INTERNAL]!
[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] NSACLPlugin - #### conn=591 op=3 binddn="uid=mw-integrator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=internal"
[10/Nov/2015:10:40:36 +0100] NSACLPlugin - conn=591 op=3 (main): Allow write on entry(fqdn=testhost.internal,cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=internal).attr(krbPrincipalKey) to uid=mw-integrator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=internal: allowed by aci(277): aciname= "permission:System: Manage Host Keytab", acidn="cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=internal"

So it seems he can't find a proper write permission for ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys.
When creating a permission with write access to this attribute everything works fine, but should'nt there
already be a proper permission? I discovered the following permission:

root at ipa01:~ > ipa permission-show --all --raw 'System: Manage Host Keytab Permissions'
   dn: cn=System: Manage Host Keytab Permissions,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=internal
   cn: System: Manage Host Keytab Permissions
   ipapermright: write
   ipapermright: read
   ipapermright: compare
   ipapermright: search
   ipapermincludedattr: createtimestamp
   ipapermincludedattr: modifytimestamp
   ipapermincludedattr: entryusn
   ipapermdefaultattr: objectclass
   ipapermdefaultattr: ipaallowedtoperform;write_keys
   ipapermdefaultattr: ipaallowedtoperform;read_keys
   ipapermbindruletype: permission
   ipapermlocation: cn=computers,cn=accounts,dc=internal
   ipapermtargetfilter: (objectclass=ipahost)
   member: cn=Host Administrators,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=internal
   aci: (targetattr = "createtimestamp || entryusn || ipaallowedtoperform;read_keys || ipaallowedtoperform;write_keys || modifytimestamp || objectclass")(targetfilter = "(objectclass=ipahost)")(version 3.0;acl "permission:System: Manage Host Keytab Permissions";allow (compare,read,search,write) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=System: Manage Host Keytab Permissions,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=internal";)
   ipapermissiontype: V2
   ipapermissiontype: MANAGED
   ipapermissiontype: SYSTEM
   memberindirect: uid=mw-integrator,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=internal
   memberindirect: cn=IT Specialist,cn=roles,cn=accounts,dc=internal
   memberindirect: cn=MW Host Enroller,cn=roles,cn=accounts,dc=internal
   objectclass: ipapermission
   objectclass: top
   objectclass: groupofnames
   objectclass: ipapermissionv2

So there is a aci with write access on ipaallowedtoperform;write_keys,
but not on ipaProtectedOperation;write_keys.

So the question is: Has something gone wrong while migrating the aci's to freeipa v4 style?
If yes, how can I fix it?

Dominik Korittki

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