[Freeipa-users] let's encrypt integration and best practices for mod_nss/mod_ssl

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Wed Nov 11 16:33:18 UTC 2015

Fraser Tweedale wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 08:30:47PM -0800, Prasun Gera wrote:
>> You are right in that the fullchain.pem doesn't have the root certificate.
>> I ran "openssl x509 -in chain.pem -noout -text", and saw that it
>> had Issuer: O=Digital Signature Trust Co., CN=DST Root CA X3, and Subject:
>> C=US, O=Let's Encrypt, CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X1. So I got the root
>> certificate for DST Root CA X3 from
>> https://www.identrust.com/certificates/trustid/root-download-x3.html, which
>> is self signed from what I can tell. The issuer and the subject are the
>> same. I added that to the fullchain, and the command seemed to work.
>> However, it messed something up, and httpd didn't start after that. httpd
>> error log had "Unable to verify certificate 'Signing-Cert'. Add
>> "NSSEnforceValidCerts off" to nss.conf so the server can start until the
>> problem can be resolved ". I added that to nss.conf, and ipactl started
>> successfully after that. However, the webui hadn't configured the
>> certificates properly. At this point, I just restored my backups
>> of /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and /etc/httpd/alias/, which brought things back to
>> where things were earlier. I think it would be better to do these
>> experiments on a test bed first.
> I am at a loss, and must have missed something.  The purpose of this
> command is to be able to install 3rd party certificates, yet the
> code is expecting the certs to be signed by the IPA CA?
> Can someone explain what is going on here?

That isn't the problem. It doesn't require the IPA CA at all. It just 
checks that the root CA which issued the server cert is available (looks 
for subject == issuer). It would appear that something wasn't imported 
into the Apache NSS db.

You'd need to re-run the import and then look at the Apache NSS database 
to ensure that the entire cert chain was imported with the proper trust 
which apparently it wasn't.

# certutil -L -d /etc/httpd/alias

The entire chain should be there, probably with trust like CT,, or C,,.

To fix trust:

# certutil -M -n "<nickname>" -t CT,, -d /etc/httpd/alias

To add missing certs:

# certutil -A -n "<nickname"> -t CT,, -d /etc/httpd/alias -i -i /path/to/pem

Validate the web server cert. Use whatever nickname is appropriate for you:

# certutil -V -u V -n Server-Cert -d /etc/httpd/alias

The more details you have on what you did to fix this the better as that 
can be used to generate a new bug to fix this upstream.


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