[Freeipa-users] Joining a host

Simpson Lachlan Lachlan.Simpson at petermac.org
Tue Feb 2 22:35:08 UTC 2016


Presuming a regular machine, I've started the join as per instructions:

yum install ipa-client

[root at vmts-linux1 ~]# ipa-client-install
Error checking LDAP: Operations error: 000004DC: LdapErr: DSID-0C0906E8, comment: In order to perform this operation a successful bind must be completed on the connection., data 0, v1db1
Discovery was successful!
Client hostname: vmts-linux1.unix.example.org
DNS Domain: unix.example.org
IPA Server: dc1.example.org
BaseDN: dc=unix,dc=example,dc=org

There are two things here that I'd like to understand.

1. There was an error, but the process seems to have been successful? Should I be investigating that error or is it to be expected?
2. The IPA server is wrong - the machine it has found the PDC  server (with a one way trust IPA->AD), but not the IPA server. I can only presume this is in error and that I should run the command again explicitly stating the IPA server?

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