[Freeipa-users] BIND apparently not loading ldap.so

Chris Lajoie chris at etriptrader.com
Wed Feb 10 19:05:44 UTC 2016

Hi, I am using the bind-dyndb-ldap package (not full FreeIPA) and I am having a problem where it appears that the plugin is not getting loaded by BIND at all. I have nothing in the logs at all from the plugin. No failures of any kind, just regular named startup. I would have expected BIND to provide a log message saying it is loading an external plugin, or at least some kind of initialization message from the plugin itself, but I see neither. What am I doing wrong here?

This is the relevant portion of my named.conf file:

logging {
  channel default_debug {
    file "/var/log/named/named.log" versions 4 size 5m;
    severity info;
    print-time yes;

dynamic-db "ldap" {
  library "ldap.so";
  arg "uri ldap://ldap.ett.local";
  arg "base ou=dns,dc=ett,dc=local";
  arg "auth_method simple";
  arg "bind_dn cn=admin,dc=ett,dc=local";
  arg "password secret";
  arg "verbose_checks yes";
  arg "serial_autoincrement yes";


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