[Freeipa-users] lock table errors

Ludwig Krispenz lkrispen at redhat.com
Tue Feb 23 16:19:06 UTC 2016

On 02/23/2016 05:10 PM, Andy Thompson wrote:
>>>> On 02/23/2016 03:02 PM, Andy Thompson wrote:
>>>>> Came across one of my replicas this morning with the following in
>>>>> the error log
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] - libdb: BDB2055 Lock table is out of
>>>>> available lock entries
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] entryrdn-index - _entryrdn_delete_key:
>>>>> Deleting C1 failed; Cannot allocate memory(12)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] - database index operation failed BAD
>>>>> 1031, err=12 Cannot allocate memory
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] -
>>>>> index_del_entry(changenumber=1328662,cn=changelog, 0x26) failed
>> (12)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] DSRetroclPlugin - delete_changerecord:
>>>>> could not delete change record 1328662 (rc: 1)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] - libdb: BDB2055 Lock table is out of
>>>>> available lock entries
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] entryrdn-index - _entryrdn_get_elem:
>>>>> Failed to position cursor at the key: 1328666: Cannot allocate
>>>>> memory(12)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] entryrdn-index - _entryrdn_delete_key:
>>>>> Failed to position cursor at the key: 1328666: Cannot allocate
>>>>> memory(12)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] - libdb: BDB2055 Lock table is out of
>>>>> available lock entries
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] - database index operation failed BAD
>>>>> 1031, err=12 Cannot allocate memory
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] -
>>>>> index_del_entry(changenumber=1328663,cn=changelog, 0x26) failed
>> (12)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog
>>>>> program
>>>>> - _cl5CompactDBs: failed to compact
>>>>> 5f1d2b12-cf1411e4-b055ba8a-f4b484f7; db error - 12 Cannot allocate
>>>>> memory
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:38 -0500] DSRetroclPlugin - delete_changerecord:
>>>>> could not delete change record 1328663 (rc: 1)
>>>>> [20/Feb/2016:17:23:41 -0500] ldbm_back_delete - conn=0 op=0 [retry:
>>>>> 1]
>>>> No original_tombstone for changenumber=1330335,cn=changelog!!
>>>>> And then nothing.  Was troubleshooting some clients that were having
>>>> issues resolving some trusted domain users.
>>>>> I restarted IPA and it rolled through a few thousand missing change
>>>>> records
>>>>> 23/Feb/2016:08:39:34 -0500] DSRetroclPlugin - delete_changerecord:
>>>>> could not delete change record 1328696 (rc: 32)
>>>>> Any thoughts as to what might have caused the lock table errors?
>>>> in BerkeleyDB this means that the number of pages which would have to
>>>> be locked in one transaction exceeds the configured number of locks.
>>>> This could happen if eg a large group is deleted and for each member
>>>> of the group inside the same transaction the memberof attribute has
>>>> to be modified
>>> Are there any configuration options to increase that setting?  And would it
>> have caused the replica to become unresponsive?
>> you can change
>> nsslapd-db-locks
>> in the entry:
>> dn: cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
>> yes. in that state it would not process updates, the txn should be finally
>> aborted and the system should recover,but ..
> Is there any rule of thumb or anything I can look at to get an idea of what I should increase that to or should it even be necessary?
> The current setting has a default of 10000
> cn=database,cn=monitor,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> currently shows
> nsslapd-db-current-locks: 82
> What might cause that to spike up that significantly to deplete the locks?  That's a pretty huge jump.
I have given you an example of what operation could use a high number of 
page locks, to find out what was going on in your case would require to 
investigate which operations were active when the problem started, what 
the entries modified added looked like ......
> Running 389-ds-base-
> -andy

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