[Freeipa-users] heads-up: new code to fetch sudo rules from an IPA server coming to Fedora and RHEL-6

Lukas Slebodnik lslebodn at redhat.com
Wed Jan 27 17:40:22 UTC 2016

On (27/01/16 16:21), Jakub Hrozek wrote:
>the sssd's code that fetches sudo rules from the IPA server got an
>overhaul recently. The search would no longer be performed against the
>compat tree, but against IPA's native LDAP tree. This would have the
>advantage that environments that don't use the slapi-nis' compat tree
>for another reason (like old or non-Linux clients) would no longer
>require slapi-nis to be running at all.
>We'd like to get some tests for this new code! If you're running Fedora ,
>you can just upgrade to the packages from Fedora's update testing. If
>you're running RHEL-6.7 and would like to see what is cooking for 6.8,
>you can try this repository:
>    https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jhrozek/SSSD-6.8-preview/
>RHEL-7 wouldn't receive this code until 7.3, so we don't have test
>packages for el7 yet..
Actually, there are packages suitable for testing on rhel7.2
It's backported version from fedora 23.


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