[Freeipa-users] it's a weird one - how AD users get into IPA ?

lejeczek peljasz at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jun 10 08:54:19 UTC 2016

hi everyone

there is a master IPA which in some weird way puts AD users 
into its ldap catalog. I say weird cause there is no trust 
nor other sync established, there was a trust agreement, one 
way type, but now 'trust-find' shows nothing, that trust was 

but still when I create a user @AD DS a second later I see 
it in IPA's ldap, eg.

uid=ccnrtest at ccnr.aaa.private.dom,cn=users,cn=compat,dc=private,dc=c

how to trace the culprit config responsible for this?

and funny(?) thing is that these users do not get replicated 
to IPA replicas.

many thanks,


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