[Freeipa-users] Looking for documentation for Python API

Joshua J. Kugler joshua at azariah.com
Thu May 5 21:41:54 UTC 2016

[This didn't show up in the archives or list after 12 house, so resending. 
Sorry if it's a dupe.]

I've been googling and looking through the documentation, but I have yet to 
find official docs for the Python API for FreeIPA.

The first result for 'python' when doing a search on www.freeipa.org is 
http://www.freeipa.org/page/Python_Coding_Style On that page, there is a link 
to "freeIPA Python API documentation" which goes to


That page, however, doesn't have one mention of Python, and only one mention 
of "API" and that is "How to migrate your code to the new LDAP API" which 
doesn't seem to be related.  I did manage to find 
https://github.com/encukou/freeipa/tree/master/doc/examples which has a couple 
(very convoluted) examples, but seems far from complete.

There is a freeipa-python RPM, but *WHERE* is the documentation for the Python 
API. Or should I just shell-out to the 'ipa' command from all my python 
scripts? :)

I found https://vda.li/en/posts/2015/05/28/talking-to-freeipa-api-with-sessions/ and https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/freeipa.git/tree/API.txt so 
I'm sure I could work up something with python and requests, but I'd prefer to 
use the official API if I could. :)

Any assistance would be great! 


Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska
Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
joshua at azariah.com - Jabber: pedahzur at gmail.com
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x73B13B6A

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