[Freeipa-users] How does one authenticate Windows login against IPA

Michael ORourke mrorourke at earthlink.net
Wed May 18 23:49:10 UTC 2016

What about using the pGina project on the Windows side?



-----Original Message-----
>From: John Meyers <john+freeipa at themeyers.us>
>Sent: May 18, 2016 5:19 PM
>To: freeipa-users at redhat.com
>Subject: [Freeipa-users] How does one authenticate Windows login against IPA
>FreeIPA as we've discovered has some wonderful Windows integration
>capability, but it is all predicated on Windows AD being the
>authoritative source of user information.  2-Way trusts are great, but
>they only work for kerberotized applications, not native Windows rights
>(that would require FreeIPA to act as global catalog as I learned from
>Alexander).  The winsync capability does not, as it turns out, sync
>native IPA users to AD.
>The million dollar question is if you are 90% Linux shop and FreeIPA is
>your authoritative user repository (AD is a blank slate), how do you
>perform local Windows login authentication for the 10% of Windows
>machines against FreeIPA?
>Thank you all!
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