[Freeipa-users] sudo 2FA not working

Lukas Slebodnik lslebodn at redhat.com
Sat May 21 19:33:28 UTC 2016

On (21/05/16 15:07), Ken Bass wrote:
>Adding to my own question after doing some further research:
>This appears to be a bug in SSSD.
>It was fixed via commit https://git.fedorahosted.org/cgit/sssd.git/commit/?id=4a01e6a6fd66e622b80739472a0aa06d1c79a6a9
>on 3/14/2016.
>I am wondering why this has yet to be released for centos 7.2 yet? There have
>been two sssd updates since then, the latest 9 days ago and it does not
>appear that it was included. I also wonder how something so basic could slip
>through the cracks? It would appear it has never worked. I understand weird /
>odd use case bugs, but this is out of the box clean install no modifications
>- simply turn on 2FA and test sudo.
If you have a Red Hat supscription then please open a case.
Meanwhilem you can use backported version from fedora which contains the fix.


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