[Freeipa-users] Error deleting IPA host: SSL peer cannot verify your certificate

Chris Herdt cherdt at umn.edu
Tue Apr 4 23:17:28 UTC 2017

Although I had previously been using a self-signed certificate, I
recently started using a cert signed by InCommon CA on my FreeIPA
master (still on IPA 3.0.0 at this time).

I added the certificate and intermediate certificates to
/etc/ssl/certs and the certificate database in
/etc/dirsrc/slapd-EXAMPLE-COM. /etc/httpd/conf.d/nss.conf is pointing
to the new certificate for NSSNickname.

I can log into the web UI, but when I attempt to delete a host I get
the following error:

Operations Error
Some entries were not deleted
Show details

Under "Show details":
cannot connect to
(SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_ALERT) SSL peer cannot verify your certificate.

Likewise, if I attempt to delete a host using the CLI I get an error message:

# ipa host-del host-01.example.com
ipa: ERROR: cert validation failed for
"CN=freeipa.example.com,OU=Example Unit,O=Example Org,L=Example
City,ST=MN,C=US" ((SEC_ERROR_UNTRUSTED_ISSUER) Peer's certificate
issuer has been marked as not trusted by the user.)
ipa: ERROR: cannot connect to Gettext('any of the configured servers',
domain='ipa', localedir=None): https://freeipa.example.com/ipa/xml

If I enable the verbose flag -vv, I see that it is making an HTTP POST
request to https://freeipa.example.com/ipa/xml.

It looks like Firefox on my local client trusts the certificate, but
that the server itself does not trust its own certificate when
connecting to itself. Can anyone advise on how I can address this

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