[Freeipa-users] authenticating with dns

Aaron Young ayoung at marketfactory.com
Wed Feb 22 22:26:37 UTC 2017

Hello Everyone

I recently lost the master master IPA server setup by the previous
As it stands now, if I try to add a new client, in order to standup a new
replica, I get errors while trying to setup DNS. This led me to look at how
authentication worked (I'm new to IPA) and I learned about the kerberos

I don't know if I'm familiar enough with the terminology to adequately
describe what I'm experiencing, so I'll give you some of the commands and
their results

but first, a bit on the design

before I got to this, we had

a <-> b <-> c <-> d

b was the master master

a, happened to point to two test servers nyc02ipa01 and nyc02ipa02 (not
pictured, I discovered them later when c and d started having problems)

a - nyc01ipa02
b - nyc01ipa01
c - ld4ipa01
d - ld4ipa02

currently, I have nyc02ipa02 <-> nyc01ipa02

the reason I have it limited like this is because all the other servers
stopped replicating for one reason or another (mainly that they can't
authenticate or in one case, there was a database record corruption)

Anyway, here are some activities and logs from the latest round of fixes
and information activities I've been engaging in

22:54:32 root at nyc01ipa02:~# kinit admin
kinit: Clients credentials have been revoked while getting initial

Reading through this
<http://web.mit.edu/Kerberos/krb5-1.13/doc/admin/lockout.html> tells me that

# kadmin: modprinc -unlock PRINCNAME

will unlock an account...but if I can't get in....

22:54:37 root at nyc01ipa02:~# kadmin
Authenticating as principal root/admin at MF with password.
kadmin: Client 'root/admin at MF' not found in Kerberos database while
initializing kadmin interface

on ld4ipa02, did a

# ipa-client-install --uninstall


# ipa-client-install --force-join --enable-dns-updates --permit -f
--ssh-trust-dns --request-cert --automount-location=LD4 --enable-dns-updates

DNS did not update, here is the relevant portion from

2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG Writing nsupdate commands to
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG debug

update delete ld4ipa02.mf. IN A

update delete ld4ipa02.mf. IN AAAA

update add ld4ipa02.mf. 1200 IN A

2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG Starting external process
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG args=/usr/bin/nsupdate -g /etc/ipa/.dns_update.txt
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=1
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG stdout=Outgoing update query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: UPDATE, status: NOERROR, id: 0
;; flags:; ZONE: 0, PREREQ: 0, UPDATE: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
ld4ipa02.mf. 0 ANY A

2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG stderr=Reply from SOA query:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 34702
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUESTION: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
;ld4ipa02.mf. IN SOA

mf. 1800 IN SOA ld4ipa01.mf. hostmaster.mf. 1487615509 3600 900 1209600 3600

Found zone name: mf
The master is: ld4ipa01.mf
tkey query failed: GSSAPI error: Major = Unspecified GSS failure.
Minor code may provide more information, Minor = Server
DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF not found in Kerberos database.

2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG nsupdate failed: Command '/usr/bin/nsupdate
-g /etc/ipa/.dns_update.txt' returned non-zero exit status 1
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z ERROR Failed to update DNS records.
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: Query: ld4ipa02.mf IN A
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: No record.
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: Query: ld4ipa02.mf IN AAAA
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: No record.
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: Query: IN PTR
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z DEBUG DNS resolver: No record.
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z WARNING Missing A/AAAA record(s) for host
2017-02-20T18:46:49Z WARNING Missing reverse record(s) for

Why isn't there an entry for "DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF" in the Kerberos database?

klist -ktK /etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab on ld4ipa01 returns

Keytab name: FILE:/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab <http://file/etc/dirsrv/ds.keytab>
KVNO Timestamp Principal
---- -------------------
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
2 11/17/2016 20:38:39 ldap/ld4ipa01.mf at MF

Tried to test connectivity using ldapsearch  found that I could connect to
other hosts on 389 but not 636

# ldapsearch -H ldap://nyc02ipa02:389 -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b "" -s base

# ldapsearch -H ldaps://nyc02ipa02:686 -D "cn=directory manager" -W -b
"" -s base

Testing the kvno

02:10:00 root at ld4ipa01:~# kvno DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF: kvno = 2

02:10:52 root at ld4ipa02:~# kvno DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF
kvno: Server DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF not found in Kerberos database while
getting credentials for DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF

Add this to any command line to get debug on kerberos commands

KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout  kvno DNS/ld4ipa01.mf at MF

So, looking at the debug
kvno from ld4ipa02, does not return tickets. It does this because it
contacts the KDC which is nyc02ipa02, and nyc02ipa02 does not recognize
ldipa02 as an IPA server. It doesn't recognize ld4ipa01 either.

right now, if I try to connect nyc02ipa02 to ld4ipa01 I get

21:56:27 root at nyc02ipa02:~# ipa topologysegment-add domain
ld4ipa01-to-nyc02ipa02 --leftnode ld4ipa01.mf --rightnode nyc02ipa02.mf
ipa: ERROR: invalid 'leftnode': left node is not a topology node:

ipa privilege-show 'DNS Servers' --all --raw

  dn: cn=DNS Servers,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  cn: DNS Servers
  description: DNS Servers
  member: krbprincipalname=DNS/nyc01ipa02.mf at MF,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=mf
  member: krbprincipalname=ipa-dnskeysyncd/nyc01ipa02.mf at MF,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=mf
  member: krbprincipalname=DNS/nyc02ipa02.mf at MF,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=mf
  member: krbprincipalname=ipa-dnskeysyncd/nyc02ipa02.mf at MF,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=mf
  member: krbprincipalname=ipa-ods-exporter/nyc01ipa02.mf at MF,cn=services,cn=accounts,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Read DNS Configuration,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Write DNS Configuration,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Add DNS Entries,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Manage DNSSEC keys,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Manage DNSSEC metadata,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Read DNS Entries,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Remove DNS Entries,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Update DNS Entries,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=mf
  memberof: cn=System: Read DNS Servers
  objectClass: top
  objectClass: groupofnames
  objectClass: nestedgroup

Aaron Young
MarketFactory, Manager of Site Reliability Engineering
425 Broadway, 3FL
New  York, NY 10013
Office: +1 212 625 9988
Direct +1 646 779 3710
US Support: +1 (212) 625-0688 | UK Support: +44 (0) 203 695-7997
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